
Lions Clubs International Association 333 Multiple District Site


MD333 sponsored 2024 Summer Camp


MD333 sponsored 2024 Summer Camp

As of January 17, 2024

Students interested in MD333 should apply for Winter 2024.


Age: Must be 16-21 years old as of July 20
Total period: July 21 – August 10
Maximum number of persons: 10
Languages: English, Japanese
Airports used: Narita and Haneda
Arrival date: July 21
First half of homestay: July 21-28
Camp: July 28-August 3
Camp Fees:40,000yen
Camp Location: District 333-A (Niigata Prefecture)
Second half of homestay: August 3-10
Return date: August 10

The fireworks display in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, scheduled for the last day of the camp is one of the three most spectacular fireworks displays in Japan with its splendor that fills the night sky.
It is also known as “Fireworks of Prayer.
Its origins date back to World War II, when Nagaoka was bombed on August 1, 1945; 80% of the city was burned to the ground in an hour and 40 minutes of bombing, claiming 1,488 victims.
One year after the despair and grief of losing everything, on August 1, 1946, a memorial service was held to comfort the dead citizens of Nagaoka. The festival was started as a memorial service for the dead and a wish for the reconstruction of Nagaoka.
Please receive the message of world peace and hope contained in this fireworks display.
Nagaoka Fireworks website


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